Jane Newman 8 months ago

Pamela was 100%! Her feedback was astute and didn't beat about the bush. I learnt a great deal from listening to her feedback on other writers as well.

I enjoyed struggling through the same issues as everybody else and sharing in the learning process. Writing can be a lonely journey and I enjoyed being part of a cohort. I had to force myself to actually finish the manuscript instead of drifting on for longer and longer. I also realised how important writing was to me, and it has caused a major rethink in my life priorities.

Just do it! The investment will be worth it in overcoming procrastination and actually getting that book written, and along the way you'll learn the right way to go about it and avoid so many of the traps and pitfalls.

I love AWC! Thank you!

Amanda 8 months ago

I really enjoyed the course and the mix of tasks, the learning with others and resources.

Clearly the tutor is experienced and gave constructive feedback. I benefited greatly from seeing/listening to the feedback about other people's work as well; really useful!

Really well-honed course and delivers what is says it will. It got me writing! It helped me see that I can do it and that there are real avenues for income generation.

This was a fantastic, practical and insightful course that was perfectly pitched to people considering making a start in freelance writing for publications. Such great insights, real examples and practical tools so that the leap to putting forward a pitch to a publication feels possible! A great skill and confidence builder.

Sue Ellen 8 months ago

Grant was amazing. The small group was perfect because we all got to speak, contribute and learn from each other.

The course got into the nitty-gritty of editing. The things you 'know are wrong' but can't put a name to. Or the things that constantly trip you up and make you feel silly. I look forward to wielding my new Big Red Pen and using fancy words to explain why I'm right. The power of the pen compels me!

I like being able to use the correct words to prove I'm right. Slightly evil but *shrugs*

Samantha Wilson 8 months ago

Pamela broke down this tricky and sometimes intimidating subject into logical parts, explaining it in a practical, relatable and inspiring way. She has a real talent for making the different elements of writing fiction seem accessible/achievable and this seminar was no exception. Good examples provided and thoughtful answers to questions from attendees.

It's got my mind ticking about the subplots of the novel I'm toiling away on, and given me great ideas to improve them.

For practical, inspiring guidance on how to improve your writing, you can't go wrong with the AWC!

Shirlene Clark 8 months ago

I had completed Novel Writing Essentials and enjoyed the motivation provided from that course through tutor feedback and workshopping. I had made a decent start on my novel during that course and wanted to keep the momentum going so signed up for the Write Your Novel - 6 month program. As an inexperienced writer I wanted expert tuition and guidance to set me on the right path.

The expert tuition and guidance from Pamela meant the world to me. She provided moments of affirmation and encouragement sprinkled with the tough love only a respected mentor can provide. I know without a doubt that Pamela has had a lasting impression on me as a writer. The best teachers/mentors journey with you and help you be the best you can be.

I have always dreamt about being a writer. Now, I am a writer!

Don't overthink it. Don't procrastinate. If you want to be a writer, throw your heart and soul into a course with AWC. You won't regret it.

Natalie Hurst 8 months ago

I enjoyed all of it! More, more, more please! I loved the weekly story task - they pushed us to keep growing and feedback was excellent. It was really important that it wasn't the same story. I loved the transparency of learning from everyone else and reading their feedback.

It was an excellent course - enlightening, humbling, inspiring and practical!

Helena 8 months ago

I have now done this course twice. The first time I completed the exercises, then I went away and basically rewrote my book. The second time, I used my actual scenes to complete the exercises, and was happy to find what a massive difference this course made to those scenes.

I found my settings almost becoming another character in the book, as each of my point of view characters reacted to the setting and the action occurring there. My white rooms are gone, and I have settings that are alive, full of emotion and atmosphere, a place my characters really can be.

If you want to improve your writing, or just brush up on the basics and get those invaluable tips you may never have thought of, go for the Fiction Essential series by the Australian Writers' Centre. They will be worth your time.

Penny Andrews 8 months ago

I enjoyed the straightforward, practical advice. It has triggered some new ideas for a (hopefully) compelling opening to my WIP.

Leonie Crewther 8 months ago

Going through the entire process, from pre-meditation to prison life, gave me ideas for future stories. I enjoyed the resources, having access to so much information, and examples.

Venetia Vernon 8 months ago

I enjoyed Pamela's easy-going style and her ability to convey the important points in a clear manner. The option of a Q&A session.

I'm feeling reassured about how I'm handling the subplots in my narrative. There are no hard and fast rules!

Go for it! AWC courses cover all aspects of writing. There's nothing to lose.

Penny Andrews 8 months ago

The course tackled an issue I'd been thinking about.

I enjoyed the honest and practical advice. I can use the information from the seminar in my current WIP.

If you're thinking about doing a course or seminar at the AWC, do it. It's always worthwhile.

Thanks for another valuable opportunity.

Barbara Norris 8 months ago

I enjoyed the course as a whole, and the ability to complete the course over twelve months suits me immensely. It has given me more confidence to take my writing to the next level and submit my manuscripts.

I recommend doing the writing courses with AWC as they are informative and up to date with industry standards.

Rosie McMahon 8 months ago

Pamela has so much experience and knowledge, which I am privileged to benefit from. Her explanations of structure, texture, creating narrative tension, and more are invaluable. Knowing when subplots help the story and the climax and how to use them to achieve this makes sense when thinking about how to work on my own MS.

I can see clearly how subplots add value to my story and what I can do to maximise these. It was also reassuring to know that I was on the right track (albeit from a novice POV) and that in my second draft, I can make more of the subplots I have. VERY useful session.

As a novice, I've done several courses to learn HOW to write. The presenters and information are technically helpful, which is useful for me as a plotter. I like that there are plenty of materials and detailed notes so I can go back and review stuff if I get lost. I would recommend the AWC to anyone looking to write across any genre.

The quality of the materials and presentations is excellent. The work is thorough, and I always get a lot out of each course. I also like that they are practical, and the workshopping elements are fantastic. You guys do a fabulous job. Thank you!

Gail Leighton-Daly 8 months ago

My story is in desperate need of sub-plot attention. I've felt for some time that it has been lacking in that area.

Pamela doesn't disappoint; her language is user-friendly and she's very approachable.

Until I recognised the necessity of sub-plots, I didn't understand the importance of them. Pamela's tutorial has reinforced my understanding, and provided extra valuable information that I can apply to my own work.

The AWC team will welcome you with open arms. What's even more important is they can be trusted to provide essential guidance via their knowledge and experience.

Keep up the great work!

Adam Deane 8 months ago

Pamela Freeman's seminars are such outstanding explanations of the structure of fiction. I've read many excellent books on the subject, but am amazed every time I take one of Pamela's seminars with the golden insights she presents. I have little epiphanies every time, which directly and profoundly alter the structure of the novel I'm writing. She has a gift for explaining in simple, straightforward terms how a story is put together. I just can't emphasise enough how remarkably concise and practical her seminars are. I hope she packages her work in a how-to-write book one day soon!

Rochelle 8 months ago

I want to write a travel memoir. I had no idea where to start and felt overwhelmed at the idea! I found this course through a google search and loved that it was online, in my own time, and affordable.

I loved having access to the whole course right from the start and being able to go at my own pace. It was easy to follow and quite informative.

I've never studied writing before so it was great to learn the fundamentals from step one all the way to editing and publishing.

It is a clear, thorough, easy-to-follow course that's fun and is very affordable.

Rachael 8 months ago

Knowledgeable facilitator. Great content. Loved the videos and also the resources - templates and extra info was great!

A great course that's easy to follow and full of useful info and tips.

Karen Uttien 8 months ago

I needed to learn from an expert how to plot and plan a novel or any story for that matter!

I love Kate Forsyth's passion. She's very infectious.

I love to 'plan' things ... dinner parties, holidays etc. ... I write everything down. I started doing the same for my first novel. It felt like I was just 'playing'. Kate confirmed I wasn't! And helped me put it in the right order. Although I still have a very long way to go, I feel I'm on the right track. Thank you!

Liani Solari 8 months ago

As someone starting out in fiction writing, I was attracted to the scaffolded approach of AWC's course pathway. Creative Writing Stage 1 seemed to be the perfect launch point.

The course achieved a great balance between providing need-to-know-now learnings and information that will be useful closer to getting published.

Petronella's feedback was always insightful and helpful, and she supported her tips with examples of her lived experience as an author.

I have a much better sense of how to achieve my goal of writing a novel and (hopefully) getting it published. I'm confident the course has helped me to circumvent some of the mistakes I would have otherwise made just because I didn't know any better.

Why flail about trying to reinvent the wheel when you can get closer to your writing goals with the guidance of AWC's experts?

Wes 8 months ago

The course exceeded my expectations. I now have three wonderful main characters that I am looking forward to exploring when writing my novel.

At the start of Module 4, I looked back on all the work I had done to create the three main characters. The jigsaw started to fit together into a whole picture.

If you want to write, this is the place to start. You get the framework and the confidence builder.



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