COMP CLOSED: Win One Summer in Venice!

One Summer in VeniceAs we dive further into winter here in Australia, we’re offering you the chance this week to win One Summer in Venice. Okay, not the actual destination, but a copy of the book of that name, by Nicky Pellegrino.

The synopsis is really in the title, as we follow the restless Londoner Addolorata Martinelli’s summer spent searching for ten keys to happiness within the canals, bridges and piazzas of Italy’s most famous sinking city. If you’re into the Eat Pray Love vibe of storytelling, that’s the general ‘travel for the soul’ ballpark here.

Pellegrino resides in New Zealand, but like the protagonist in her book, her name suggests an Italian link. Her father was Italian, and as a child living in UK, Nicky spent summers in Naples. (She since married a Kiwi and lives about as far from Italy as you can get, but still spends holidays back there, researching her books and eating!)

We have a copy of this feel-good summer story to warm you up this week. To win it, we’d simply like you to tell us, in 25 words or fewer, ONE THING that makes YOU happy, and why.

The most original answer will win this book.

This competition is now closed. Thanks for entering!

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