COMP CLOSED: Win our Big Birthday Box of 23 Books!

To celebrate turning 10, we wanted to reward ONE lucky member of our community with the ultimate prize – a box containing not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six… okay, we’ll stop that – it’s a grand total of 23 books! All written by the fabulous presenters who have helped us reach our milestone.

And as you’d expect with presenters who teach such a diverse range of courses here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, the titles on offer are extremely varied! From children’s adventures and holiday romances to historical novels, travel memoirs, fantasy trilogies, crime, thrillers and more!

Here is the full list:

The Soldier's Wife by Pamela Hart
Secrets of Online Entrepreneurs by Bernadette Schwerdt
Withering-by-Sea by Judith Rossell
It Started With a Kiss by Lisa Heidke
Ransacking Paris by Patti Miller
The Beast's Garden by Kate Forsyth
What is Left Over, After by Natasha Lester
If I Should Lose You by Natasha Lester
The Castings Trilogy by Pamela Freeman (3 books)
The Princess Betony books by Pamela Freeman (3 books)
Last Seen in Lhasa by Claire Scobie
The Pagoda Tree by Claire Scobie
King of the Road by Nigel Bartlett
The Mapmaker Chronicles trilogy by A.L. Tait (3 books)
One True Thing by Nicole Hayes

Hades by Candice Fox
Eden by Candice Fox

the-soldier-s-wife secrets-of-online-entrepreneurs withering-by-sea 23668469 ransacking-paristhe-beast-s-garden  8432572 IISLYCOVER.indd 2356304 3282852 51mQlJAqUQL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_ princess-betony-and-the-unicorn princess-betony-and-the-thunder-egg princess-betony-and-the-rule-of-wishing 1282802 9780670077335

24864734 race-to-the-end-of-the-world 24511061 breath-of-the-dragon

one-true-thing 22245474 51gT4YPhwEL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_

To enter, simply complete the form below, telling us, in 25 words or fewer, why YOU deserve to win the box.

Make it memorable… The answer we love the most will win the lot!

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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