COMP CLOSED: Win Colum McCann’s latest book – FIVE copies to be won!

Want five chances to win the latest book from Irish literary fiction author Colum McCann? Well, you’ve come to the right place – His latest book Thirteen Ways of Looking (Bloomsbury, $16.49) is ready to escape our prize library and find a new home!

McCann is on quite a roll, with his last book, TransAtlantic, long listed for the Man Booker Prize in 2013, and the book before that Let the Great World Spin was a New York Times Bestseller and winner of the National Book Award.

Thirteen Ways of Looking includes the title novella and three stories, taking place in McCann’s current home, New York, as the title story follows an incident involving an elderly judge – and telling it from multiple perspectives. It is touted as a “ground-breaking novella of true resonance…a tribute to humanity’s search for meaning and grace.”

Thanks to Bloomsbury, we have FIVE copies of this book to give away. To be in with your shot, tell us in exactly 13 words why you deserve to win a copy! It’s that easy – our favourite five will get the book. Thirteen words of winning!

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.

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