COMP CLOSED: Win Jack the Ripper true crime!

This week’s giveaway takes us to the ‘True Crime’ corner of our prize cupboard (it’s true – we really do sort it into corners) and Bruce Robinson’s rather chunky investigation of one of history’s most notorious killers.

In They All Love Jack: Busting the Ripper, Bruce brings together 15 years of research into the serial murders by Jack the Ripper in 1880s London and presents a rather compelling conspiracy theory, turning the entire events of what took place upside down. As one reviewer said, whether you believe his assertions or not, it’s an extremely well told story.

To win a copy of this book, because it’s all about loving Jack, we simply want to know which famous “Jack” is your favourite and why. Be our favourite entry and the book’s yours! ENTER HERE NOW.

This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.


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