Victorian Community History Awards are open for 2016

The Victorian Community History Awards for 2016 are now open!

According to the Royal Historical Society of Victoria: “The Awards recognise excellence in historical storytelling. The range of award categories reflects the variety of formats that can be used to reach and enrich the lives of Victorians through history.”

Last year’s winners included a sensitive and insightful biography of writer and gardener Jean Galbraith, a phenomenal collaborative effort on the forensic remains of Ned Kelly, and a peek into literary history with rise of popular detective fiction in Melbourne in the nineteenth century.

A few of the rules: work must be original and fiction will not be accepted. Your work must be completed between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016 and must be in a finished format.

Entries must be received by 2pm Friday 29 July 2016.

For more information and an entry form, visit the Royal Historical Society of Victoria website

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