“I got published!” : Our amazing grads featured in “Delicious”, SMH, “The Age” and more!

Whenever we receive news about our grads’ freelance writing success, we always want to shout loud and proud on their behalf! Here are some of their recent achievements:










Above: Laura McGeoch had her first story featured in Essential Kids “How to stop your teenager doing too little, or too much, these holidays”

Above: Laura McGeoch also had article entitled “What I learnt from my bomb of a first car” in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Above: Lindy Alexander was featured in The Age with an article “A Rockin’ Road Trip” about the gourmet produce along the 12 Apostles Trail.

Above: Lindy Alexander was also published in Delicious magazine with her article on the best places to eat and drink in her hometown Castlemaine.

Above: Jennifer Morton had an article “Overcrowded house? How to avoid a house guest holiday nightmare” in The Sydney Morning Herald.

Above: Ashleigh Mills was published in Travel Play Live with her article “The Art of Freediving.”

We are overjoyed with your success. Shine on!


If you have a success story to share with us, you can do so right here. We’ll share it with the world!

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