Ep 195 Do I need a travel blog?

podcast-artworkIn Episode 195 of So you want to be a writer:Do you need a travel blog to be a travel writer and tips on converting typewritten pages into Word documents. Plus: should you mention to publishers when you're submitting that you have other manuscripts underway?

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Show Notes

Listener Questions

From Jodi:

When querying agents or publishers, is it appropriate or worthwhile mentioning the other works in progress you have going on? I have one manuscript almost ready to begin the submission process and then another one which won't be far behind. Is this something that should be mentioned (they are in the same genre), or is it best to keep the focus solely on one at a time?

From Daria:

Hello Al and Val! I am struggling at the moment with this small issue. I like to write my first draft on a typewriter. After I am done, I face the fact that I need to type it on my computer which is very time consuming. Currently, I only write short stories, so not such a huge deal now. But I am afraid to think of what's going to happen when I start working on a novel. I've tried a couple of free websites that can turn a text on the picture into a word file, however, they do tend to make lots of mistakes. Do you have any solution to this? Thanks a lot!

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From Jade:

Firstly, love the podcast!

Secondly, I'm looking for some advice regarding my online platform. I'm an early/emerging writer, currently working on my first children's book manuscript, and have recently started a blog using my full name for the domain name. My blog content mainly focuses on posts aimed at other emerging writers, along with reviews of books I'm currently reading or books I've loved growing up.

My conundrum is this: I'd like to get into freelance travel writing as well, and I'm not sure what to do regarding an online platform for this. Do I need to have a travel blog if I wish to be a freelance travel writer? Would an Instagram be enough? And if I should have a blog, should I merge this with my blog under my current domain (my full name), or should I create a separate travel blog using another travel-related title, and roll out that to social media as well.

Sorry for the bombardment of questions! Lots going through my head at the moment. Hoping you can help :)

Thanks in advance,



Valerie and Allison answer these questions on the podcast!


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Your hosts

Allison Tait

Valerie Khoo / Australian Writers' Centre

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