Day: April 22, 2014

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Author Profile: Gabrielle Tozer

It’s 5.30am. Gabrielle Tozer, 28, shuts the door to her study and sits at her desk. Sydney’s concrete jungle is quieter so early in the morning and Gabrielle likes to write in silence. A gumtree stands outside her window – the only greenery among the nearby buildings. It’s a reminder

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ep 9 Meet Jennifer Smart, debut author of ‘The Wardrobe Girl’

In Episode 9 of So you want to be a writer we talk about being a part of a dynamic team, an ex-writer creates an app to redefine the way you read fiction, we ask should you name and shame publishers to get paid? Donna Tartt wins Pulitzer, when Doris Lessing rescued Jenni

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