Day: October 15, 2014

Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ask Valerie: 4 things authors can do to promote their book

Question: I’ve written a book, but how do I get more people to read it? Answer: First, congratulations on writing a book! Some would say that the difficult part is over, but if you want to share your creation with as many readers as possible, the work has just begun.

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Grammar and Punctuation
Dean Koorey

George Clooney got married and we’re feeling rather possessive…

So, recently on the Q&A segment of our weekly newsletter, we were discussing possessives with proper nouns (names), and one example was compound possessives. When two (or more) people ‘own’ the same thing, and they are named, we only need to indicate possession on the final one: “I was invited

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Jennifer Smart: “Write what you know” yields debut novel

“There’s a story here. There’s definitely a story here.” That was Jennifer Smart’s hunch, having worked behind the screens in film and television for many years, including five years on Home and Away. And she was in a position to know – having even penned two scripts of the hit

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Lisa Venables: Memoir unearths a love of writing

Telling stories is what it’s all about here at the Australian Writers’ Centre. And for Lisa Venables, recounting a very difficult time in her family’s life provided her with both an emotional and creative outlet. That outlet became her book, Saving Zali – telling the story of her infant daughter’s

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