Day: March 25, 2015

Dean Koorey

Harper Lee, Dr Seuss… who’s next?

A few weeks back, we were greeted with the news that there would be a belated (55 years) release of Harper Lee’s second and hitherto unknown book – a follow up/prequel to the much studied half-century-old To Kill a Mockingbird. Quite extraordinary really. The book has the title, Go Set

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ep 54 We chat to Patti Miller, author of ‘Ransacking Paris’

In Episode 54 of So you want to be a writer: The Readings Children’s Book Prize 2015 shortlist, top authors give their advice on blogging, how to prepare for a writers’ conference, use your writing skills to win an inn, The Hoopla shuts down, bloggers moved from the front row

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Grammar and Punctuation
Dean Koorey

Q&A: Colons and semi-colons

Each week, we chat about the quirks and anomalies of the English language. This week, we’re taking that fibre-optic camera and exploring your colon and semi-colon usage… Q: Hey there AWC. I’m having trouble with my colon. A: You may have the wrong Q&A session. Perhaps your doctor could help?

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