Day: May 6, 2015

Dean Koorey

5 websites to visit instead of writing

We get it. You should be writing. But you’re here online instead. You’re not sure exactly when it started — perhaps about an hour ago when you caught yourself alphabetising your bookcase, refolding your towels and cleaning out the cutlery drawer. But it’s now official: you have entered The Procrastizone.

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Faking it with YA author Gabrielle Tozer

Gabrielle Tozer is a journalist, author, editor and former 18-year-old, among other things. Her second book, Faking It, came out in January, and we thought now was the perfect time to bombard her with a stack of questions and see how she holds up. Oh, shhh, here she comes now.

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Our famous Q&As!
Dean Koorey

Q&A: Port of call vs point of call

Each week, we chat about the quirks and anomalies of the English language. This week we talk about what happens when we confuse and mix idioms. Q: Hi AWC, I hear people say ‘first point of call’ a lot these days and it bugs me. Is that actually correct usage?

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