Day: June 17, 2015

Grammar and Punctuation
Dean Koorey

An AWC exclusive: Our interview with the Apostrophe

It’s not every day you get the scoop on all the grammar goings-on from someone on the inside. But today, we’re fortunate to be speaking with one of the biggest players and perhaps one of the more misunderstood members of the Punctuation Team. That’s right, it’s the one and only

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Freelance and copywriting
Guest Writer

The #1 question all travel writers should ask

This post is by Sue White, intrepid travel writer and Australian Writers’ Centre Travel Writing and Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 1 course presenter. WOOEE. You’re on the road. You’ve planned a great travel writing itinerary, maybe even sold a story or two, and you’re out there doing it. Nice

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Alumni/Student success stories
Valerie Khoo

The new generation of magazine and newspaper writers

We recently completed a wonderful five weeks for our first course in Magazine and Newspaper Writing Stage 2. And I have to say that I’m incredibly inspired by the talent I saw in the 60 students who participated in the first intake. We’ve already seen many students published in mainstream

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Word lovers
Dean Koorey

Q&A: Versus and versing

Each week, we chat about the quirks & anomalies of the English language. This week, we’re up against it with an exploration of “versus”… Q: Hi AWC, I keep hearing kids say “versing”. As in, “our team is versing your team this weekend”. Surely that’s not a “thing” is it?

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