Day: September 10, 2015

Our famous Q&As!
Dean Koorey

Q&A: Collectable OR Collectible?

Each week, we chat about the quirks & anomalies of the English language. And this week’s one could become quite the collectable item… Q: Hello AWC, I was watching that new show Storage Antique Pawn Shop Roadshow Wars last night. A: That’s not a show. Q: Well, something like that.

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Food and words banner with painting in the background and white text over the top announcing the festival
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Food & Words food writers’ festival 2015

Aspiring food writers and hungry readers, the Food & Words festival is kicking off in Sydney later this month. If you’re thinking about getting serious about food writing, you don’t want to miss this event filled with food celebrities, established food writers and, of course, great grub. From the press

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