Day: February 29, 2016

Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Michaela Fox: Blogger turned successful freelance writer

As a blogger, Michaela Fox was already loving being able to write while at home, but it was almost too comfortable. The idea of working as a freelance writer and earning a living really appealed.

“Being able to freelance from home is just the ideal situation for me,” she says. “I get to still be at home with my kids, which is really important for me. I want to be involved in their lives – they’re only young.”

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Bernadette Schwerdt’s Book Launch Breakfast

When it comes to publishing a book, every celebrated author knows they have to master the art of online marketing. 50 Shades of Grey started as an ebook and found a massive online audience, before it became a paperback. Online publishing sensation Amanda Hocking, also emerged from obscurity to best-selling

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