Day: May 31, 2016

Word lovers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Word of the week: Stultify

Stultify (verb) “One meaning is to make a person appear stupid or foolish. But mainly it means to lose all enthusiasm due to a boring routine. So you might say that being in prison was stultifying if you had nothing to do. Or that the stultifying job meant you were

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Enter the Overland Short Story Prize for your chance to win $6000

Australian and New Zealand short story writers, this competition is for you. The Overland Victoria University Short Story Prize for new and emerging writers is now open for the fifth consecutive year. They are welcoming pieces no longer than 3,000 words. To qualify, you must not have published more than

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ep 110 Meet Anna Spargo-Ryan, author of ‘The Paper House’

In Episode 110 of So you want to be a writer: The worst ways to begin your novel and things authors should know. Discover how to turn your “off” writing days into “on” days and how to refill your creative well. How a “mommy blog” ruined the blogger’s life. You’ll learn

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