Day: September 2, 2016

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Dancing with the Tsars: Ninth time lucky for Evelyn Skye

Evelyn Skye’s debut novel is The Crown’s Game – a kind of Russia meets Westeros affair. Evelyn has been described as an avid pizza and cookie eater who was once offered a job in the CIA, yet actually wishes she could go on a dancing reality show. She seemed worth

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Word lovers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Word of the week: Specious

Specious (adjective) [spee-shus] “No, this is not a typo. I don’t mean spacious. According to the Macquarie Dictionary, specious is something that is apparently good or right but without real merit. So you might have a ‘specious argument’ or say ‘the artistic work had a specious air of quality but was

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