Day: June 23, 2017

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Picture this: An interview with illustrator Giuseppe Poli

Giuseppe Poli is a leading illustrator in his field. His latest children’s book Baby Band (words by Diane Jackson Hill) was released this year. Giuseppe lives in Queensland and we had a chat with him about his insights into the world of illustrating… Hi Giuseppe. Hey, before we start –

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Word lovers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Word of the week: Pulchritude

Pulchritude (noun) [pul-chri-tude] It seems like such an ugly looking word but it means the opposite. The Macquarie Dictionary defines it as “beauty” or “comeliness”. So you might say: “The actress Robin Wright is a woman of great pulchritude.” Listen to Valerie and Allison chat more about this and more on the world of

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