Day: August 25, 2017

Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ep 195 Do I need a travel blog?

In Episode 195 of So you want to be a writer:Do you need a travel blog to be a travel writer and tips on converting typewritten pages into Word documents. Plus: should you mention to publishers when you’re submitting that you have other manuscripts underway? Click play below to listen to

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Word lovers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Word of the week: Comstockery

Comstockery (noun) [kom’stokuhree] According to the Macquarie Dictionary, this is: “the overzealous censorship of the fine arts and literature, often mistaking outspokenly honest works for salacious ones.” And it is named after Anthony Comstock, a US moralist. So you might say “The conservative lobby encouraged comstockery when they were deciding on which

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