Day: September 7, 2017

Word lovers
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Word of the week: Asperity

Asperity (noun) [as’peruhtee] This means sharpness or harshness of temper. So you might say: “The teacher was frustrated with the Year 9 class and spoke to them with asperity.” Listen to Valerie and Allison chat more about this and more on the world of writing, blogging and publishing.

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Win $5000 and a publishing deal for your romance manuscript

Australian romance writing is heating up. And with the return of the XO Romance Prize for 2017, it’s going to get even more exciting. If you’re an Australian romance writer with an unpublished manuscript, the XO Romance Prize will be right up your alley. What’s up for grabs? There’s a

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