Day: December 23, 2019

Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED ‘The Strayan Dictionary’ by Dom Knight

In this holiday week, we’re kicking back and embracing our Aussie-ness, with three copies of Dominic Knight’s new book, The Strayan Dictionary, to give away. This is a true-blue, rinky-dink, the most un-un-Australian dictionary ever created – a hilarious journey through our unique words and phrases. The Strayan Dictionary is

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Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

An amazing year of published books by AWC alumni and presenters

Nothing makes us prouder here at the Australian Writers’ Centre than seeing writers reach their publishing dreams. Over the years, our students have published hundreds of books, and 2019 has been another amazing year of success. From short stories to novels, picture books to picturesque romances, non-fiction, historical fiction, contemporary

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Furious Fiction December 2019 winner and shortlist

It was the day before Christmas and throughout the world, writers sat waiting and curiosity swirled.  Whose holiday was about to get merrier? Let’s find out – here were the criteria… Each story had to include SOMETHING EITHER BEING SENT OR RECEIVED IN THE MAIL. Each story had to include

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