Day: February 16, 2021

Australian Writers' Centre Team

New writers’ festival launches on the Central Coast

Do you want to escape to the Central Coast, NSW for a writers’ festival? Maybe you already call the Central Coast home and are looking for something to do in June. The Words on the Waves Writers’ Festival is a brand new writers’ festival taking place over the June long

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Copywriter
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ep 002: Former Clemenger Creative Director Ben Keenan on how to find freelance copywriting work

In Episode 002 of So You Want To Be A Copywriter: Ben Keenan is one of Australia’s leading brand strategists, creative directors and copywriters. He also happens to have got his start in advertising by completing my copywriting short course over 15 years ago! Which just goes to show what can happen if you hang in there and persist!

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