7 on-demand courses you can start right NOW

One of the wonderful things about the Australian Writers’ Centre (just one of them) is the flexibility with which you can do your learning. We run classroom courses in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, as well as a range of tutored online courses for anyone with an internet connection. And new in 2015, we are also adding to our online library with a growing number of self-paced on-demand courses!

The difference with our on-demand courses is made rather clear in their name. Unlike a classroom and tutored online course, there is no start date or timeframe at all. Instead, you can enjoy 12 months access to the content contained in the course (generally a mix of audio and/or video with handouts) – and learn when it suits you.

And just like receiving a boxed set of Game of Thrones, you could pace yourself – or grab some popcorn and “binge” your way through the learning!

They’re super affordable and ready when you are. These are the current SEVEN on demand courses available right now (like, RIGHT now)… summed up in 50 words or fewer.

Blogging for Beginners ($85)
Social media sites can’t give you the freedom that your own blog offers. It’s like renting a house versus owning it. Knock out walls, paint, and invite anyone over for a chat. It’s your own little slice of the internet – and this course is where it all starts.

How to Get More Blog Readers ($97)
Once you have a blog, you very soon realise just how huge your audience can potentially be. And whether you want to make money out of your blog, or simply want to open up the conversation to more readers, this course will show you the steps to getting it done.

The Business of Freelancing ($97)
Being a freelance writer is so much better than running a business. But wait, you ARE running your own business – so learn how to do it well. Invoicing, tax, quotes, GST, hours and much more. This course won’t tell you how to write, but it will help you get paid, show you how to build your writing into a business, and give you the foundation for a great career!

Book Covers that Sell ($85)
A fantastic resource for anyone looking to self publish his or her book (that’s millions of people every year, by the way). It turns out that we absolutely DO judge a book by its cover and expert Julia Kuris will show you how to stack the odds in your favour.

Reinvent Yourself ($97)
Are you looking to change careers and become a writer? Need that well-directed kick to help you get there? Join Valerie Khoo, director of the Australian Writers’ Centre as she gives you a step-by-step guide to getting off your backside and chasing your dreams. Reinvent yourself today!

2 Hours of Scrivener Power ($97)
Harness the impressive power of Scrivener – the world’s best writing software. Expert Natasha Lester will show you how to get the most out of this industry-celebrated program, from managing characters’ timelines to linking research material and keeping tabs on the smallest of details. Are you ready to write smarter?

Anatomy of a Crime: How to Write About Murder ($195)
Presented by bestselling crime writer Candice Fox, this course presents 8 modules that investigate murder from both sides of the law. Learn how to write about murder in an authentic and compelling way, through insider secrets perfect for a crime and thriller writer’s bag of tricks. Bring death to life today!

Ready to get started? Visit our website to take a closer look. Then put the kettle on, and by the time it’s singing, you’ll be ready to begin!

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