Author Ellie Marney’s TOP 3 tips for YA writers

In a recent episode of our top-rating podcast So you want to be a writer, Allison Tait chatted with popular Young Adult (YA) writer Ellie Marney. (And when we say popular, we’re talking about her novel, Every Breath, being one of only two Australian novels on the 2015 list of most borrowed YA library books!)

Ellie is passionate about Australian YA fiction – recently starting a new online book club to help promote the genre. During our chat, we asked her what her top three tips for YA writers are:

elliemarney1: If you want to write in YA, read in YA

“I mean that sounds really obvious, but a lot of people try writing in the category before they have had a really good chance to get stuck into what's already existing. It's really important for people to be a little bit up with what's going on in the category and to get to know a few of the people who are writing in the different genres within the category. Read lots of YA if you want to write in YA!”

2: Get a platform

“I would also say get a platform so you can communicate with your readers. Whether that platform is on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram – find something that makes you feel comfortable, and then you can branch out from there.”

3: Do the work!

“This is just a tip for people who are already getting into writing, but you have to take a working-like approach. I'm of the Stephen King school of writing, which is just bum on seat, work, don't get up until you're finished, and finish what you start. I've started a job and now I've got to complete it. Like, a bricklayer or a plumber, you know?”

Yes Ellie, we DO know!
Great tips. And if you want to hear the complete interview with Ellie, you’ll find it on episode 88 of our podcast here.

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