Author: Australian Writers' Centre Team

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Getting back to writing after a break

Are you ready to get back into writing? Gearing up to return to your writing practice after a break is never easy, no matter whether you’ve been away from your computer/typewriter/notebook for a few days, a few weeks or a few months. Sometimes you’re mid-manuscript and you need to pick

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

VIDEO: Allie Reynolds on her novel’The Bay’

Allie Reynolds is the author of The Bay and Shiver. She’s also a former professional freestyle snowboarder who spent five winters in the mountains of France, Switzerland, Austria and Canada. Her short fiction has been published in magazines in the UK, Australia, Sweden and South Africa. Allie swapped her snowboard

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

WIN ‘The Seven’ by Chris Hammer

This week, we’re giving away three copies of The Seven – the latest thriller from one of Australia’s best crime writers. Chris Hammer is the acclaimed and award-winning author of international bestsellers Scrublands and The Tilt. You can also meet him on episodes 447 and 361 of our podcast. Here’s

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

WIN ‘Mr Einstein’s Secretary’ by Matthew Reilly

Matthew Reilly is the internationally bestselling author of the Scarecrow series, the Jack West series and numerous standalone novels. You can also meet him on the podcast. We have three copies of his latest book Mr Einstein’s Secretary to give away. It’s a gripping story that follows a young woman

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Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Susannah Glenn’s reinvention to become an author

“My earliest memories were of reading and writing and dreaming of becoming a full-time writer. Instead, I became a journalist and editor (the pay was better), thinking ‘one day’ I’ll turn my attention to fiction,” Susannah told us. “Well, that ‘one day’ had come! I rolled up my sleeves and learnt everything I could about how and where to start. Fortunately, one of the amazing resources I discovered was the Australian Writers’ Centre.”

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

WRITER 573: Literary agent Samuel Bernard on what agents are looking for

Literary agent Samuel Bernard on what agents are looking for. You can listen to the episode below, on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or add the podcast RSS feed manually to your favourite podcast app.   Links mentioned in this episode Tania Blanchard: From physiotherapist to full-time fiction author WIN A Woman of

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

COMP CLOSED: ‘A Woman of Courage’ by Tania Blanchard

This week’s giveaway takes us back in time to Victorian England. We have three copies of Tania Blanchard’s latest book, A Woman of Courage, to give away. Tania Blanchard is an acclaimed author of historical novels The Girl from Munich, Suitcase of Dreams, Letters From Berlin, and Echoes of War.

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Furious Fiction
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Furious Fiction: October 2023 Story Showcase

Welcome to the October Furious Fiction story showcase – our monthly spotlight on our community’s creativity and the opportunity to have YOUR OWN story featured or acknowledged. Here were this month’s criteria: Each story had to feature someone looking through either a TELESCOPE or BINOCULARS. Each story had to include

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The secret ingredient in a book’s success: Part 2

Welcome to part two of my short series on book distribution. If you read part one, you’ll know that distribution is an integral part of a book’s success – but it’s also an area that many emerging authors don’t know much about. Book distribution is essentially what it says on

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Copywriter
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ep 062: How to become a successful ghostwriter

If you’re a copywriter and you’d like to expand your services and create a long term stream of income, you should consider becoming a ghostwriter. What even is a ghost writer? In many senses, a copywriter is the ultimate ghost writer in that we write content for a specific client,

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Our famous Q&As!
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Q&A: The origin of ‘vale’

Each week here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we dissect and discuss, contort and retort, ask and gasp at the English language and all its rules, regulations and ridiculousness. It’s a celebration of language, masquerading as a passive-aggressive whinge about words and weirdness. This week, beyond the vale… Q: Hi

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