Behind the scenes: cupcakes, gadgets, bright lights and cats!

Here’s a sneak peek behind the scenes at the Australian Writers’ Centre. With all our courses, it’s always a hive of activity for our students in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Online. We thought we’d show you some insider pics so you see what else goes on at the Centre.

Our WA State Director Alecia Hancock caught up with Randi Zuckerberg (yes, sister of Facebook founder Mark) in Perth at a Business Chicks event.

Alecia and Randi
Alecia and Randi

We welcomed two new members to our team, Liz Pulo and Dean Koorey. They are awesome! Naturally, we celebrated with cupcakes.

Mmm, cupcakes.
Mmm, cupcakes

Students in our evening courses in Sydney are being treated to spectacular lights courtesy of Vivid. Here’s the view from our training rooms.

Vivid lighting up the Harbour Bridge

Little doggie Rambo dressed up to match our new content manager Dean. In case you can’t tell, Rambo is in the camouflage jacket and Dean’s leg is clad in camouflage pants.

Little Rambo blending in
Little Rambo blending in

Melbourne student Josefa Pete had an awesome feature published in Sunday Life!, the magazine that comes with The Sunday Age and The Sun-Herald.

Congrats, Josefa Pete!
Congrats, Josefa!

National Director Valerie Khoo and magazine writing presenter Allison Tait are rocking the iTunes charts with their podcast “So you want to be a writer”. You can find it on iTunes here.

Podcast'y goodness
Writing for your ears!

We’re obsessed with gadgets AND notebooks so we can’t wait to try out our new note-taking device from Livescribe. We’ll let you know how we go.

WIFI in a pen!
Wifi in a pen!

And, finally, we got distracted in the office with … cats!

Testing out Asana's 'TAB+B' shortcut...
Testing out Asana's ‘TAB+B' shortcut…
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