Category: Build your profile and promote your book

Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The secret ingredient in a book’s success: Part 2

Welcome to part two of my short series on book distribution. If you read part one, you’ll know that distribution is an integral part of a book’s success – but it’s also an area that many emerging authors don’t know much about. Book distribution is essentially what it says on

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The secret ingredient in a book’s success: Part 1

Write the book, edit the book, market the book… there’s a lot for a new author to think about when publishing a book. But there’s something else in the mix when it comes to a book’s success. Distribution is something that most emerging writers never think about – and many

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

An author’s guide: Pitch yourself to a podcast

I love podcasts. I love creating them (as co-host of the Your Kid’s Next Read podcast) and I love appearing on them as an author. Podcasting feels more intimate than radio and allows for longer form discussions of your book, your writing process and the world in general. The other thing

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to build your author platform before your book is published

It’s one of the number one questions that emerging authors ask: “How do I build an author platform before my book is published?” Followed closely by: “And why do I need to?” Before I dive into this, I need to say this upfront: Always focus on writing the book first.

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Simple steps to blog your way to success as an author

I’m going to be upfront with you – I’ve stolen the title of this post. Fortunately, I’ve, er, borrowed it from Bernadette Schwerdt, head copywriting tutor at the Australian Writers’ Centre, and, in particular, episode 30 of her So You Want To Be A Copywriter podcast. I’m pretty sure she

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 Australian authors on Substack

“What are you reading on Substack?” If I had $1 for every time someone has asked me this question over the past few weeks, I’d be able to buy myself a nice long lunch somewhere fancy. Even Valerie Khoo and I were trading recommendations just a day or two ago.

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Cute singing birds made of toasts with jam decorated with fresh strawberries, kiwi and blueberries
Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Twitter for authors: is it still worthwhile?

Unless you’ve been offline entirely for the past few weeks (lucky you!), there’s been no avoiding the turmoil engulfing Twitter at present. (There’s an overview here if you’ve been out bush.) No matter where you stand on the situation, whether you’ve closed your account and migrated elsewhere or are sitting

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

8 songs about writing to use in your Instagram reels

By Allison Tait In case you haven’t heard, everyone’s jumping on board the Reels train to expand Instagram engagement. If you’ve been living under a rock and are not familiar with Instagram Reels, these are short, 15-90 second video clips. Wait, whaaat? You thought Instagram was all about photos, not

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to establish and build a long-term author career

By Allison Tait. Unless you’re planning to write just one amazing book and disappear (hello, Harper Lee), chances are you’re hoping to establish and build a long-term career as an author. But just what does that take? One person who has insider insights on that question is Sophie Hamley, currently

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Six things you need to know about book publicity

When you are launching a novel, particularly your first (but really, any novel), getting publicity for that book can feel like a blend of luck, magic and random intervention. The truth is, though, that book publicity, like so many aspects of publishing, is a job, and it takes a lot

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What to do after attending a writers’ festival

Even after a writers’ festival, smart writers know there’s still plenty of chances to build relationships with the writers, publishers, and friends they met at the event. Australian Writers’ Centre CEO and podcast host Valerie Khoo shares the quick steps you can take to build on your festival experience.

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A wooden desk with a plant, coffee, glasses, notebook, and hands typing on a laptop with the screen showing ‘Landing Page’.
Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Why authors need landing pages – and what to put on them

By Allison Tait. When people talk about landing pages, writers seem to look the other way, assuming that landing pages are for people with, I don’t know, products to sell. The fact is, though, that if you are an author, with a book to sell, you have a product. Not

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The 5 Ps on how to get the most out of a writer’s festival

What are the five Ps for making sure you have the best writers festival experience? Planning, pre-Booking, packing a lunch, remembering to make time for pleasure, and purchasing great books! Find out why these five Ps make such a difference with Australian Writers’ Centre CEO Valerie Khoo, onsite at Sydney

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Own the fact you’re a writer in your bio

Few writers enjoy the process of writing their author bio and many succumb to the siren song of imposter syndrome and downplay their author credentials. Find out how to own the fact you’re a writer from the very first line with Australian Writers’ Centre CEO Valerie Khoo.

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to connect with publishers at a writers’ festival

What are the dos and don’ts about approaching publishers at a festival? Australian Writers’ Centre CEO Valerie Khoo lays out the tips you need to make a good impression and find the publisher that’s the right fit for your book. 

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

What to do when you don’t have a book coming out

By Angela Slatter. To paraphrase Jane Austen (poorly), it is a truth universally acknowledged, that once you’ve got a publishing contract, you’ll have a book coming out every year! Right? Sorry, no. Wrong. You might be one of the fortunate few who do have this sort of regularity in their

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A community of like-minded writers reading from an iPad in a cafe.
Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How I found my writing community (and how you can, too)

By Allison Tait. When I wrote about rejection recently, I talked about the importance of my writing community and recommended that every writer gather like-minded souls around them, for the bad times and the good. “But how?” was the response I got. Like a bowerbird, I found my writing people

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