Category: Business writing

Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Six simple tips for proofreading

Proofreading is an art, a science and a challenge. At first glance, it’s a simple proposition. Read your manuscript to ensure there are no mistakes before you send it off to be submitted or published. But, as any experienced proofreader will tell you, there are pitfalls along the way. For

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 tips to make your business writing more effective

Whether you’re drafting emails, creating reports, or putting together presentations for your colleagues and bosses, your ability to write effectively in a business environment is critical. But with so many other tasks on your plate – not to mention tight deadlines and crammed inboxes – it’s easy to end up

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Learn from anywhere with AWC online courses
Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

9 online courses to do this summer

Ah the allure of summer. Where you can sit outside getting sunburnt, frantically waving flies from your face, while sweat falls from your skin in salty cascades… On second thought, why not stay inside in the aircon and learn a new skill instead? For those of you who would much

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Content writing vs copywriting: What’s the difference?

What’s the difference between copywriting and content writing? If I can do one, can I automatically do the other? As a freelance writer, it’s important to have as many strings to your bow as possible. But what if you’re not sure exactly how each string is tied? There can be

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Business writing
Guest Writer

7 ways to be more creative at work

As writers, creativity is the lifeblood of our work. From searching for the truth of an idea, to understanding the motivations of a character, or simply moving words on a page to make the perfect phrase. Without it, we’d be lost but its value isn’t limited to just writing. Creativity

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 online courses you can complete in two weeks

Craving a creative outlet right now? We hear you. The good news is it’s easier than ever to engage your mind and fast-track your learning from the comfort of your own home. If you’re feeling inspired to focus on your writing right now – or just seeking a more productive

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 online courses to make you a better writer

There’s nothing like the convenience of online learning to help you fit personal projects around your busy schedule. And if you’ve had the same writing resolutions popping up on your list again after again – why not make 2019 YOUR year to make them happen. Your future self will high

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write a media release

A media release – also known as a press release –  is the primary way for you to get your message into the hands of the media. It’s a format that journalists and editors are familiar with and, even if you pitch your idea to them over the phone or

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Are you guilty of this kind of corporate-speak?

You see it in boardrooms across the nation. People marking off words during meetings in a surreptitious game of bullsh*t bingo. They are noting down classic phrases like: “game-changing innovations”, “corporate synergy”, “deep dive”, all while they “incentivise” people to “pick the low-hanging fruit”. In honour of this popular pastime,

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Business writing
Valerie Khoo

5 common business writing mistakes – and how to avoid them

You only get one chance to make a first impression. So you better make it count. With the rise of text messaging and abbreviations used in social media, effective written communication is falling by the wayside. This could be happening in your blog posts, brochures, websites and even your advertisements.

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to be a better business writer

Do you spend eight hours a day in front of your computer at work? Maybe you’re sending emails. Perhaps you’re writing proposals or recommendations. The reality is that many of us spend much of our day doing some form of written communication. So it’s vital to understand a few simple

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Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Blogging to books – Toby Jenkins is a fan.

Toby Jenkins and Adam Franklin wrote a business book about web marketing together. They did a business writing course at Australian Writers’ Centre together. And before that they went to primary school together. So it made perfect sense for Valerie Khoo to interview just one of them. She spoke to

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Are you guilty of these top 10 business writing mistakes?

Writing business documents – an article, report, blog, letter or email – is quite a different proposition to writing a novel. (For starters, there are usually far fewer unicorns or troubled detectives.)

Perhaps you’re writing for your own company, or maybe you’re looking to do more corporate writing for organisations. Whatever the case, cast your eye over our collection of top 10 common errors … and how to avoid them.

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Business writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The business of writing with Kate Hennessy

Kate Hennessy is a professional writer who splits her time between corporate writing, journalism, editing and communications consulting. Her love of writing goes beyond the offices of Australian businesses, however.

She is also a journalist and writes weekly music reviews for Fairfax and other arts publications as well as travel features for newspapers and magazines. Kate presents our Business Writing Essentials and Professional Business Writing seminars. Here she tells us what she loves about writing, teaching, and her life as a writer.

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