Category: Fiction writing

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Getting back to writing after a break

Are you ready to get back into writing? Gearing up to return to your writing practice after a break is never easy, no matter whether you’ve been away from your computer/typewriter/notebook for a few days, a few weeks or a few months. Sometimes you’re mid-manuscript and you need to pick

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

VIDEO: Allie Reynolds on her novel’The Bay’

Allie Reynolds is the author of The Bay and Shiver. She’s also a former professional freestyle snowboarder who spent five winters in the mountains of France, Switzerland, Austria and Canada. Her short fiction has been published in magazines in the UK, Australia, Sweden and South Africa. Allie swapped her snowboard

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The secret ingredient in a book’s success: Part 2

Welcome to part two of my short series on book distribution. If you read part one, you’ll know that distribution is an integral part of a book’s success – but it’s also an area that many emerging authors don’t know much about. Book distribution is essentially what it says on

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Build your profile and promote your book
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The secret ingredient in a book’s success: Part 1

Write the book, edit the book, market the book… there’s a lot for a new author to think about when publishing a book. But there’s something else in the mix when it comes to a book’s success. Distribution is something that most emerging writers never think about – and many

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Scarlet Stiletto Awards shortlist announced

Sisters in Crime have announced the shortlist for the 30th Scarlet Stiletto Awards, and we’re so thrilled that a whopping 13 out of the 25 writers on the shortlist are AWC graduates! Here are the details from the Sisters in Crime website: Sisters in Crime Australia is proud to announce

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Lucy Lever’s journey from aspiring writer to published author

Lucy Lever had been writing on and off for years, but could never quite finish the novel she dreamt of writing. That all changed when she discovered the Australian Writers’ Centre. “Stumbling across AWC was like discovering a treasure trove of wonderful courses, and I wanted to do them all,” Lucy told us. “I realised that I should have started rather than finished here, given that AWC offered a step-by-step guide to novel writing and many other wonderful courses with lots of workshopping along the way and highly skilled teachers.” Lucy went on to complete several courses with the AWC and her debut novel, Mystic Ridge, has now been published by HarperCollins HQ.

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Apsara Baldovino’s picture book ‘The Lucky Shack’

“I sent one of my stories to Cathie and she told me that she felt that I should consider starting with the foundations first and recommended the Australian Writers’ Centre Writing Picture Books course before taking on a mentor,” Apsara told us. “It was the best advice I could have ever received. Cathie had designed the course so, in a way, I was able to learn from the best in a structured way with a group online.”

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Three writing tips from Katherine Rundell

Katherine Rundell is a bestselling author whose novels for children include Rooftoppers, The Wolf Wilder, The Explorer and The Good Thieves. She has won the Costa Children’s Book Award, the Blue Peter Book Award and the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize, amongst many others. Her books have sold millions of copies worldwide.

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The creative magic of the mundane

“The best time to plan a book is while you’re washing the dishes.” You don’t have to wander too far across the wild plains of the internet to discover this quote from acclaimed mystery writer Agatha Christie, and it’s one I’ve used myself in author talks for many years –

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

The 70-20-10 formula used by author Vikki Marmaras

By Vikki Marmaras For the past few years I have immersed myself in the world of children’s literature. I started writing when my eldest son was born, at a time when I was looking for a change but didn’t want to commit to long term study. Naively, I thought writing

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 short stories to read right now to make you a better writer

Short stories are the perfect reading solution for our time-poor era. With an average word count of 2000-7000 words, a short story encapsulates everything readers love about storytelling – compelling characters, conflict, setting, theme and plot – in a compact form that packs a wallop. This means that, for writers,

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How Alli Parker’s tweet resulted in her book deal

Ever since she was a child, Alli Parker knew she wanted to tell her grandmother’s story. Nobuko “Cherry” Sakuramoto had married Gordon Parker in Japan after World War II, and the couple had to fight to bring Cherry to Australia during the years of the White Australia Policy. “I’d wanted

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

5 ways to keep your reader guessing in a crime novel

Crime writing in Australia is having a big moment, and the best crime novels are the ones that keep readers guessing right to the very end. My new novel The First Summer of Callie McGee is a middle-grade mystery novel set in a seaside village on the south coast of

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ned Kelly Awards shortlist nominations announced

The Ned Kelly Awards shortlist has been announced and we are so thrilled to see AWC graduate Kerryn Mayne on the list! Here are the details from the Australian Crime Writers Association website: We are proud to report that Aussie crime writing continues to grow in strength and identity, as

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Alumni/Student success stories
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Chenée Marrapodi goes from hobby writer to published children’s author

“Writing news stories is very different to writing a children’s book!” Chenée told us. “I knew if I tried to find all of the information myself, I’d end up falling down the ‘Google rabbit hole’ and I’d waste even more time – yet another excuse to stop me from actually writing the book!”

Instead, she dove into the course Writing Children’s Novels and, as she says, hasn’t looked back. Chenée’s debut book, One Wrong Turn, is out now with Fremantle Press.

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Anna Spargo-Ryan on writing beautiful sentences

Anna Spargo-Ryan is known for her beautiful way with words. Her novels The Paper House and The Gulf received critical acclaim, while her memoir A Kind Of Magic, released in October 2022, was shortlisted for the Nonfiction Book Award in the 2023 Queensland Literary Awards. The Melbourne-based author, essayist and

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