Category: Furious Fiction

Furious Fiction April 2021 winner and shortlist

Every month a long queue of writers from all over the map throw their narrative hats into this three-ringed circus we call Furious Fiction, crossing their fingers, dropping their heads in prayer and hoping to get lucky. These were the April criteria: Your story must begin in some kind of

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Furious Fiction March 2021 winner and shortlist

They say a picture is worth a thousand words – but this month we were fine with just 500 as we introduced only the fourth picture prompt in Furious Fiction history. These were the complete criteria for March: Each story had to include the pictured setting (above) at some point.

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Furious Fiction February 2021 winner and shortlist

It was a happy third birthday to Furious Fiction this month (be sure to check out our “stories behind the stories” collection) and to celebrate turning three, every story had to begin with the word THREE. That wasn’t all though: Each story had to be set in a SCHOOL. Each

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Furious Fiction – the stories behind the stories

In February 2021, our monthly short story competition Furious Fiction celebrated three years in existence. And while the hope of taking home the top prize or being featured in the short and longlists each month is a big part of the fun, we also regularly hear from people who are

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Furious Fiction January 2021 winner and shortlist

It’s a new year and we were so eager that we hit the ground running with our first Furious Fiction challenge for 2021 on the first day of January. (Ahem, it may have also had something to do with the calendar.) A new year was dawning, so here’s what we

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Furious Fiction December 2020 winner and shortlist

And so we arrive at the final Furious Fiction edition for this quiet, uneventful year. The criteria we required in December were: Each story had to include a GIFT of some kind. Each story’s first sentence had to contain only THREE words. The following words had to be used somewhere

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Furious Fiction November 2020 winner and shortlist

It’s been a weird year for travel. And so in this month’s Furious Fiction, we thought we’d do our bit for the fiction accommodation industry (you’re welcome) by asking everyone to set their 500-words-or-fewer stories in a hotel. Naturally, that wasn’t the only slice of the criteria cake. Here were

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Share YOUR Furious Fiction experience!

As our monthly Furious Fiction competition approaches its 3rd birthday, we’d like to mark the milestone with a celebration of the amazing, varied and creatively courageous people who enter each month. Maybe you’ve entered just once, maybe every month, or something in between – whatever the case, if you have

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Furious Fiction October 2020 winner and shortlist

One of the great things about Furious Fiction is that for one weekend, writers all around the world are working on the same brief at the same time – and this month, they did so with a full moon out the window. Here were the criteria: Each story had to

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Furious Fiction September 2020 winner and shortlist

A picture told 500 words this month as we welcomed back the infamous picture prompt to our Furious Fiction criteria club. The picture above was the image in question and the complete challenge for September went something like this: Each story had to be INSPIRED by the picture above. Each story’s

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Furious Fiction August 2020 winner and shortlist

Furious Fiction was this month transformed into a comedy club, as we invited entrants to counter the prevailing 2020 narrative of doom and gloom and bring the funny! To help set up such a tee-hee-friendly scene, were these criteria: Each story had to contain HUMOUR/COMEDY of any kind. Each story

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Furious Fiction July 2020 winner and shortlist

To those who RSVPed to our invitation to this month’s Furious Fiction, we welcome you to the big day. If you thumb through the order of service, you’ll see that the following criteria are gathered here today: Each story had to take place at either WEDDING or a FUNERAL. Each

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Furious Fiction June 2020 winner and shortlist

This month on the Furious Fiction show, we asked contestants to conjure a short story out of thin air using the following criteria: Each story’s first and last words had to begin with J. Each story had to include a game being played. Each story had to include the phrase

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Furious Fiction May 2020 winner and shortlist

May was another huge month for our spritely little Furious Fiction competition – with our second highest entries ever (highest was last month!). It just shows what great word of mouth and marketing–cough cough lockdown pandemic cough— can do! Being the fifth month of the year, or maybe because we

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Furious Fiction April 2020 winner and shortlist

My my… it seems the combination of people being stuck at home and perhaps starved for creativity has led to this month’s Furious Fiction competition smashing previous records as 1700 entries came flooding in! These were the criteria: Each story had to begin on the side of a road. Each

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Furious Fiction March 2020 winner and shortlist

It’s been quite a month for the planet, but Furious Fiction judging stops for no pandemic (although each entry did have to be judged two metres apart). It’s hard to believe it was only two and a half weeks ago (feels much longer, right?) that we received a bumper 1200

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Furious Fiction February 2020 winner and shortlist

Furious Fiction celebrated its second birthday this month with just a quiet gathering of more than 1200 of its closest friends. That’s right, it was the second largest turnout ever, and these were the criteria on the table: Each story had to include a GUARD of some kind. Each story

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12 things we’ve learnt from judging Furious Fiction

Furious Fiction has been going for two years now and that’s a lot of challenges under our proverbial belt! We love dishing up a new set of criteria each month, and as a result, a wide variety of stories have stood on the podium. On closer inspection however, there are

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Furious Fiction January 2020 winner and shortlist

A new year of Furious Fiction and a new crop of hopeful storytellers (and some veterans!) lining up to showcase their skills. With the devastating bushfires at their peak earlier this month, a lot of writers used the challenge as a chance to express their emotions through their words –

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Furious Fiction December 2019 winner and shortlist

It was the day before Christmas and throughout the world, writers sat waiting and curiosity swirled.  Whose holiday was about to get merrier? Let’s find out – here were the criteria… Each story had to include SOMETHING EITHER BEING SENT OR RECEIVED IN THE MAIL. Each story had to include

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