Category: Furious Fiction

Furious Fiction May 2018 winner

This month, Furious Fiction (our monthly $500 short-short story competition) found itself launching on May the fourth. So, we threw in some Star Wars fun – being very clear that entrants did not have to write in the sci-fi genre. (Find out more about how our free monthly Furious Fiction

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Furious Fiction April 2018 winner

For April’s Furious Fiction $500 short story competition, we turned the screws a little – by making everyone write a story that had the same title: THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM. Along with that, they also needed to use three specific words at some point in their story and end

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Furious Easter challenge winners and shortlist

Over the recent Easter long weekend, we challenged our Furious Fiction Fan Club members to a 29-word story challenge. (What’s Furious Fiction, you ask? Find out all about it here.) The challenge criteria: Their story must feature a bunny Their story must include the word CALENDAR Their story must not

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Furious Fiction March 2018 winner

For this month’s second Furious Fiction short story competition, we spun our judging chairs around and waited to let the notes you were belting out wash over us – with musically themed stories, 500 words or fewer. For the winner? A recording contrac– oops, no, we mean FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS CASH.

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Furious Fiction February 2018 winner

This month, the Australian Writers’ Centre kicked off Furious Fiction – our brand new MONTHLY short story competition, challenging anyone on the planet (aged 17 or older) to deliver us a sub-500 word story in just one weekend! And the reward? A very tasty $500 in cash. (Please don’t eat

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