Category: Other

Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ned Kelly Awards shortlist nominations announced

The Ned Kelly Awards shortlist has been announced and we are so thrilled to see AWC graduate Kerryn Mayne on the list! Here are the details from the Australian Crime Writers Association website: We are proud to report that Aussie crime writing continues to grow in strength and identity, as

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

The write-changing joy of tidying your office

I know Marie Kondo has had her third child and given up on tidying up, but I find it an invaluable part of my writing process. At the beginning of each year, I tidy my office. And by tidy, I mean go through it like a dose of salts and

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Be inspired by Shewit Belay’s journey

By Valerie Khoo Last week, I was fortunate enough to go to the opening night of the musical phenomenon Hamilton in Brisbane (thanks Rah!). If you’ve followed my podcast or social media, you’ll know that I’m a massive Hamilton fan. Sure, as one of the founding fathers of the United

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

7 last-minute gifts for writers

Google ‘gifts for writers’ and you’ll discover an endless array of coffee mugs and pretty notebooks. But the truth is that what most writers want for Christmas is time – time to write, time to think, time to dream. So perhaps your first port-of-call for your last-minute gift for the

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A woman smiling at her laptop in a cafe, with a cup of coffee next to her.
Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to make a living as an author

By Allison Tait. Authors can earn money from a diverse range of income streams. Check them out …. Diverse income streams are key So, where does the money come from? How can you make a living as an author? If you’re an author, whether traditionally published, hybrid or indie published,

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A woman leaning over her kitchen bench using a laptop and calculator.
Australian Writers' Centre Team

A tax time checklist for writers

By Allison Tait. In case you missed it, the financial year ended a few weeks ago in a flurry of retail sales and dire warnings about how the tax office is planning a crackdown in 2022 after a couple of years of benevolence due to the pandemic. The 21/22 financial

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Real Estate Copywriting
Freelance and copywriting
Dean Koorey

5 ways to get started as a real estate copywriter

The places we live have always been something to celebrate. And with all the extra time spent inside them in recent years, our relationship with them has become stronger than ever. Homes are not simply bricks, timber, glass and subway tiled splashbacks. They are offices, entertainment spaces, retreats, libraries, gyms,

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

AWC’s favourite TV shows

We’ve taken to having Friday afternoon trivia quizzes here at AWC HQ, through the amazing power of Zoom and Google Docs – and of course a virtual cheers or two. One of last week’s topics was ‘television’ and it’s amazing how diverse our range of knowledge is (Nat = 3/10,

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Fiction writing
Australian Writers' Centre Team

2019 Brisbane Writers Festival tickets now on sale

The Brisbane Writers Festival is on from 5-8 September 2019 and tickets are now on sale. The Brisbane Writers Festival have announced a massive lineup with over 160 internationally renowned writers, thinkers and more scheduled to speak and present at the event. The festival will have a special focus on

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Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

NOW OPEN: Australian sci-fi, horror and thriller screenplay competition

If you write screenplays in any of the genres of sci-fi, horror and/or thriller, then you need to get on this competition faster than you can say Wilhelm scream. Truant Pictures (based at Fox Studios, Sydney) is running the Truant Screenplay Competition to encourage and mentor new Australian voices working

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Freelance and copywriting
Valerie Khoo

Ask Valerie: How can I get into corporate writing?

There are many genres in writing. Crime and thriller writing. Memoir writing. Travel writing. Some of these can conjure images of exciting plots or exotic locales. But not all genres evoke this same kind of romance or glamour. Like corporate writing. But wait. Before you screw your nose up at

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to write great dialogue in a screenplay

Writing dialogue can be tricky at the best of times. But when you are writing a screenplay, it’s vital you get the right mix of realism, exposition and character development. So what can you do to ensure the dialogue you write hits the mark? 1. Be realistic with being real

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to format a screenplay

The world of screenwriting has its own unique set of rules. In particular, screenplays follow very specific guidelines and are a language unto themselves. Take a look at a portion of this sample screenplay provided by Screen Australia. If you want to download the PDF, you can get it directly from

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Freelance and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

How to keep track of all your freelance article ideas

If this is a problem for you, congratulations! We’re talking about having so many ideas for articles that you struggle to keep track of them all. While some people have a hard time coming up with ideas, we know that others seem to have an unending supply of them. Ideas

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Tim talks screenwriting

Recently spoke with screenwriter Tim Gooding for episode 67 of our top-rating podcast So you want to be a writer. Tim has nearly 30 years’ experience in the industry – creating the ABC TV series Sweet and Sour and writing for shows including The Aunty Jack Show, The Norman Gunston Show, Blue

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Freelance and copywriting
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Tax planning for writers in 2016

By Liz Russell  If you’re quick off the mark, you’ll have already filed your income tax return for 2015 and your bank balance is looking a little healthier. In a better world, this would mean you’re off the hook and don’t have to think about your tax affairs for the

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