Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer

Ep 20 We chat to daddy blogger Reservoir Dad.

In Episode 20 of So you want to be a writer, we chat about the writer spending Stephen King’s money, how you can make 50k a year without hitting the bestseller list, writing letters to strangers is making a comeback, Fiona McFarlane writes about her journey to being published, how to revive

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Ep 18 Meet freelance fiction editor Nicola O’Shea

In Episode 18 of So you want to be a writer, we chat about why Valerie can’t go past a good typewriter, author-approved writing implements, student successes, Cory Doctorow’s novel pulled from school reading programme, where to find book recommendations, the eight stages of writing a first draft, Writer in Residence freelance

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Ep 12 Meet Fiona McFarlane, author of ‘The Night Guest’

In Episode 12 of So you want to be a writer, we ask are journalists miserable, over educated and underpaid? The Best Australian blogs are announced, the secret libraries of New York city, write a novel… in a game, how Reading Australia are making a difference to Australian schools and universities, the

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Ep 10 Meet Gabrielle Tozer, author of ‘The Intern’

In Episode 10 of So you want to be a writer, we ask should you dump your agent and focus on self publishing? The Best Australian Blogs finalists are announced, JuNoWriMo is here (are you in?), the Australian Financial Review apologies for ‘World is Fukt’ front page, the most hated travel writing cliches,

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