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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Rock & Roll Writers Festival returns for 2017

If the recent awarding of Bob Dylan with the Nobel Prize for Literature is anything to go by, songwriting is a bona fide segment of the larger storytelling canon. To build on this, a writing festival with a difference is returning in 2017 following its successful inaugural event. It’s called

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

12 writing courses you can start right now

As the new year approaches so too comes the rush of excitement and motivation to achieve all of your writing goals. Don’t waste it! Here are a host of on-demand courses that you can do all in your own time, at your own pace. The best part is, you don’t

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

MURDER EP 19 Crime writer and psychologist Leah Giarratano

Leah Giarratano is a clinical psychologist and author who specialises in psychological trauma and sex offences, which feature in her novels Vodka Doesn’t Freeze and her recent Disharmony series including The Telling, The Laeduin and Immortal Combat. Leah talks the plotting process and the dichotomy between understanding your characters and

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