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An author writing in a notepad with an orange pencil in front of an open laptop.
Valerie Khoo

38 films about writers and writing

I have a confession to make. If there is one thing I enjoy just as much as reading a great book, it’s a great film that has a writer as one of its protagonists. I guess it’s that element of curiosity from a fellow writer to see exactly how this

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Valerie Khoo

What’s YOUR 2016 writing goal? Tell us!

Whether you believe in its power or not, the presence of a new year being just around the corner is difficult to ignore. It’s often a time to take stock, look back at the past year and set goals for the next one and beyond. We often talk about our

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

2015 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards shortlists

Here are the 2015 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards shortlists. Below, you’ll find a super-duper list of amazing writers including our own fabulous Judith Rossell, whose book Withering-by-Sea has been shortlisted for the Children’s fiction section! Congratulations Judith! The Prime Minister’s Literary Awards have been going since 2008. The books below on

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Editing and collaborating in Google Docs

This is a guest post from Tamyka Bell, a Brisbane-based writer and tech enthusiast who will test-drive any new writing tool at least once. You can find her at Tamyka wrote this post when she heard Valerie Khoo and Allison Tait talk about using “track changes” in Word in

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

A.L. Tait’s The Mapmaker Chronicles optioned for film!

Great news from Australian Writers’ Centre presenter and podcast co-host Allison Tait. Her successful series The Mapmaker Chronicles has been optioned for film – snapped up by Australian production company Whoa Flamingo! Whoa indeed. And while that doesn’t mean you’ll be buying popcorn and watching it any time in the

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Newcastle Short Story Award 2016

Newcastle is host to gorgeous beaches, boutique shopping, and great cafes. But it’s also host to the Newcastle Short Story Award, with $3000 worth of prizes up for grabs. The judges this year are Newcastle’s own Michael Sela and award-winning short fiction writer Glenys Osborne. The competition is open to Australian residents

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

10 years in one post.

10 years is a long time, and we thought it’d be a good idea to put it in perspective. What can you achieve in 10 years? Just a few things… (Click on the image to view a bigger version!)

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Candice Fox and James Patterson collaboration for 2016!

a.k.a: “How to meet your hero and then write a book with them” It’s official – JAMDICE is a thing! (That’s our name for James+Candice – seriously we tried all the other combinations and they were rubbish. Pox? Fatterson? Errmm…) Ned Kelly Award-winning author and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter Candice

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Agatha Christie wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

We received an unexpected message from beyond from famous whodunnit author Agatha Christie. She wanted to congratulate us on our excellent milestone here at the Australian Writers’ Centre (we turned 10!). “I have gathered myself here to the drawing room to announce the conclusion I have come to. It is

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

William Shakespeare wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

Credit for image above: Frank Kovalchek from Anchorage, Alaska, USA – Couple in love at the 2010 Carnevale in Venice (IMG_9534a) CC BY 2.0 Birthday wishes don’t get much more eloquent than this one from famous playwright William Shakespeare. Yes, he took time away from the afterlife to congratulate us on reaching our 10th birthday milestone here at

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Kate Forsyth on Studio 10

Did you catch bestselling author and Australian Writers’ Centre presenter Kate Forsyth on TV recently? She was speaking about fairy tales – something of a source of inspiration to so many of her own stories. Take a look!

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Jane Austen wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

Pride and Prejudice author Jane Austen wrote us a very elegant note delivered in a ghostly (but very proper) fashion. She wanted to wish us happy birthday (we’re 10!) “From the very beginning— from the first moment, I may almost say — of my acquaintance with Australian Writers’ Centre, your manners,

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Ernest Hemingway wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

The irrepressible Ernest Hemingway gulped a dry martini at the bar of the Afterlife then stood at his typewriter to write this congratulatory note to us. He wanted to wish us a happy 10th birthday from beyond … “I’ve always loved the moveable feast of tutored courses all year round –

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Enid Blyton wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

Remember reading the Secret Seven and Famous Five books? Well, the author Enid Blyton heard we are big fans of her work. So she sent us a congratulatory message from beyond when she heard it was our 10th birthday! “I don’t believe in things like fairies or brownies or magic.

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

JRR Tolkien wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

Taking some time away from his world of hobbits, dragons and … New Zealand … famous Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien sent us a message from the Afterlife to wish the Australian Writers’ Centre a happy 10th birthday! “One place to school them all, One voice to find them,

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

#AWCTurns10: Meow, woof… moo?

It wouldn’t be a 10th Birthday Celebration without a party… and what’s a party without your pets? While we can’t bring our pets to our 10th Birthday Meetup, they’ll all be joining in from home. Or sleeping. Probably sleeping. So here’s our the ‘supporting crew’ behind the Australian Writers’ Centre…

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Dr Seuss wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

We’ve had lots of great messages from people around Australia – and the world – helping us celebrate this rather excellent milestone for the Australian Writers’ Centre (we turned 10!). But a few were quite unexpected, such as this one from famous late author Theodor Geisel – better known as

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Crossword: How well do you REALLY know us?

If you follow us on social media or are a keen reader of our weekly newsletters, this crossword is going to be a breeze for you. Give it a go and see how you fare! Here’s the PDF version so you can print it out Across 4. Grant Doyle teaches

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Australian Writers' Centre Team

Charles Dickens wishes AWC a happy 10th birthday

When you get a special message from a dead author, you pay attention. Especially when the author is Charles Dickens! He sent this message to us from beyond the grave because he wanted to wish us happy 10th birthday! Thanks Chuck. “It was the best of 10 years, it was the

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