Closing soon: write a monologue, win $500 and have it performed on stage!

Attention all playwrights! Here's a unique chance to not only win some cash, but also see your work performed by an actor on stage, thanks to HotHouse Theatre, La Trobe University and the 2014 Write Around the Murray festival.

From HotHouse's website:

Solo – A monologue Writing Competition

Solo is a monologue writing competition offered by HotHouse Theatre, La Trobe University and Write Around the Murray. It is for established and emerging playwrights. Entrants are invited to submit a work to be performed by one actor of 3 – 12 minutes duration (1000 – 4000 words). There are no limitations of topic or theme or the type of character to be presented in the work.

 Entrants can submit in one of three categories :-

  •          High School
  •          Open – unpublished/unperformed writers
  •          Open – published/performed writers

Shortlisted entries will receive a rehearsed reading of their work in the Butter Factory Theatre on September 11 as a part of the Write Around the Murray Festival, from which the winners in each category will be announced.

A judging panel consisting of representatives from HotHouse Theatre, La Trobe University and Write Around the Murray will select the three best entries in each category.  All entrants will be notified of their success or otherwise by July 14.

Shortlisted entrants will be able to attend a development workshop at HotHouse Theatre on the weekend of August 2 and 3.  Entrants will have the option of resubmitting a new draft of the work following the workshop by August 11. The nine shortlisted works will be presented as rehearsed readings as a part of Write Around the Murray on Thursday September 11 (T.B.C.), performed by members of the HotHouse Studio Ensemble, and possibly members of Adults 2 Drama School.

A judging panel will select the winner from each category on the night, immediately following the readings. Winners in each category will be awarded a $500 cash prize.  Runners up in each category will receive a double pass to the show of their choice in the HotHouse 2014 season.

Entries Open on April 1st  and closing dates for entries is 5pm, June 23rd 2014.

To find out more and enter online, visit the website here.

Good luck!

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