Ep 011: Email marketing superstar Michelle Falzon reveals the secrets of using email to promote any business

Would you like to hear from a marketing expert who has been responsible for sending out more than 200 million emails?

…who works with people like Tony Robbins and the world’s best-known authors, speakers and thought leaders…

…who understands the digital content funnel (and upends it)…

…who knows how to create hooks, lead magnets, buyer journeys and every other little detail associated with email marketing success?

If so, Michelle Falzon is the guest you have been waiting for.

Michelle Falzon is a strategic content specialist who works globally but lives locally and is what most would say, living the copywriting life!

In this episode you’ll learn how to:

  • Structure an email campaign
  • Manage a client who wants to send multiple messages to the one database
  • Segment your copywriting message (even if you don’t know who’s on the database)
  • Reinvent the Digital Marketing Funnel (and why the Digital Mountain Funnel is so much better)
  • Use the ‘buyer journey’ process to map out an email campaign
  • Test your email campaign (and know what variables to test)
  • Position your services as a value-based consultant, rather than a transactional copywriter
  • Ask the one important question that will show you exactly what copy you need to write
  • Educate the client as to why open rates and click through rates are not the best measures of success
  • Format your email for best results (and how to use links strategically)
  • Find the right ratio of ‘sales’ versus ‘education’ in your emails to maximise success (without alienating the reader)
  • Outsource the setting up of automated email campaigns (and who to contact to make it happen)
  • Choose the right email software for your specific needs.

Mentioned in this episode:


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