Ep 012: LinkedIn expert Adam Franklin on how copywriters can use LinkedIn to find new clients

LinkedIn is one of the most affordable ways to find new copywriting clients but for many of us, we don’t leverage a fraction of its power.  Why is that and if we did, what could we gain?

Adam Franklin is one of Australia’s most successful LinkedIn Coaches and in this podcast he’ll share with us the secrets of how copywriter and marketers – in fact, anyone in business – can use the platform to simply and elegantly convert those casual connections into new clients.

Adam is a professional speaker, university lecturer and CEO of Bluewire Media.  Accolades include being named:

  • Australia’s #1 business blog
  • #7 LinkedIn Expert in Asia 
  • #9 on Entrepreneur magazine's top marketing podcasts.

In this podcast, you’ll discover how to:

  • Use a 5-step process to create new leads and convert them into clients
  • Awaken dormant connections and (respectfully) reactive old colleagues and acquaintances
  • Use a pre-written set of scripted templated messages you can use to send to your connections 
  • Make small tweaks to your profile to generate massive rewards 
  • Create personalise messages that get attention
  • Craft scripts that focus on them, not you, to gain greater engagement.

Adam’s specialty is helping copywriters and other service consultants win high-value clients via LinkedIn.  He teaches 1000s of students via his online courses and coaching programs and his weekly ‘Bluewire News' email goes out to over 35,000 professionals worldwide.

Mentioned in this episode:


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