Ep 028: How to become a healthcare copywriter, with Ryan Wallman

To niche or not to niche? That is the question for many copywriters starting out. Ryan Wallman was a medical doctor who discovered that he preferred writing copy instead of writing scripts. Discover how he made the transition to becoming a healthcare copywriter, and how to decide if niching is for you.

Dr Ryan Wallman was a medical doctor but after he discovered his passion for words and writing, he decided to follow his intuition and become a medical and healthcare copywriter. He is now the Creative Director and Head of Copy at Wellmark, a Melbourne-based creative agency that specialises in healthcare marketing. He writes for a range of clients including the hospitals, IVF clinics and communication campaigns for the national COVID-19 response.

In this episode, I talk to Ryan about:

  • How to become a medical or healthcare copywriter
  • The creative process his agency follows to create a campaign
  • Why pitching for new clients is a nightmare (necessary, but still a nightmare)
  • The pros and cons of niching as a copywriter
  • How his agency chooses and hires copywriters
  • Why content marketing work (and proof that it does)
  • Tips for copywriters starting out
  • Why he wrote his book and the impact it had on his career.

Mentioned in this episode:

About Ryan

Ryan Wallman is Creative Director and Head of Copy at Wellmark, a Melbourne-based creative agency that specialises in healthcare. With 15 years’ experience in copywriting and editing, Ryan is skilled in the creative direction and execution of communications targeting diverse audiences. He is an internationally acclaimed copywriter who has written for numerous industry publications. He is also the author of Delusions of Brandeur and a co-author of Eat Your Greens: Fact-Based Thinking to Improve Your Brand’s Health.

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