Ep 406 Jacqueline Bublitz discusses her debut novel ‘Before You Knew My Name’ [Story Sessions series]

This ‘inbetweenisode' is part of our Story Sessions series and features ‘Before You Knew My Name' by Jacqueline Bublitz. Jacqueline has written an astonishing debut with an intriguing and original concept. This is not your usual murder mystery or dead girl novel. It’s very powerful and readers have already been raving about how engrossing it is. It’s the sort of book you want to devour in one sitting. Before she reads from her novel, Jacqueline answered some of my probing questions about how the book came to be written and what advice she would give to other aspiring writers.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre

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Allison Tait

Valerie Khoo

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