Ep 412 Gabrielle Tozer discusses her latest novel ‘Can’t Say it Went to Plan’ [Story Sessions series]

This ‘inbetweenisode' is part of our Story Sessions series and features ‘Can't Say It Went to Plan' by Gabrielle Tozer. This is the latest young adult novel from the fabulous Gabrielle Tozer, author of ‘The Intern', ‘Faking It' and ‘Remind Me How This Ends'. This time, Gabrielle is taking on schoolies – that infamous break at the end of high school when Aussie kids hit the beach to celebrate. But this is not a party book, although there are plenty of parties – Gabrielle tackles the complex emotions that teens face at this time with her usual humour, perspicacity and warmth. Before Gabrielle reads from her novel, I asked her to answer some questions about her writing process as well her top three tips for writers.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre

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Allison Tait

Valerie Khoo

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