Ep 467: Meet Felicity Lewis, editor of ‘Explain That’.

Discover 7 tips to improve your writing. Meet Felicity Lewis, national explainer editor for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, on writing a great explainer and why readers love them so much. Plus, we have 3 copies of Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter by Lizzie Pook to giveaway.

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Editor in residence: Felicity Lewis

Felicity Lewis is the national explainer editor for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. She has worked in diverse roles on titles from The Herald Sun to The Independent and has won several awards, including a Walkley.

She is the editor of the book Explain That: 31 intriguing reasons why from The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Follow Felicity on Twitter.

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This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre

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