Explore love with this competition

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Ah February. Some people count down the days to February 14th with amorous impatience, some hate it with a fiery passion, while others adjust their hipster glasses and scoff, “Hallmark day”.

Whatever your views on February 14th, if you've got a manuscript exploring love in any of its forms (romantic, parental, platonic and more), then you'll adore this competition.

Don't Talk To Me About Love is asking for submissions for their debut competition on love. Entries can be fiction or non-fiction with a maximum of 2,000 words. They are also accepting poetry submissions.

The prize? $1,000 Canadian dollars plus a manuscript review. Even if you're bitter about love, that's pretty sweet.

Bonus? It's open to Australian and New Zealand residents too. So grab your pen and scribe like the bard himself.

Never durst poet touch a pen to write / Until his ink were temper'd with Love's sighs.

Entries close February 14th.

For more information, head to the Don't Talk To Me About Love website.

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