Food & Words food writers’ festival 2015

Food and words banner with painting in the background and white text over the top announcing the festival

Aspiring food writers and hungry readers, the Food & Words festival is kicking off in Sydney later this month. If you're thinking about getting serious about food writing, you don't want to miss this event filled with food celebrities, established food writers and, of course, great grub.

From the press release:

The Food & Words food writers’ festival is one of a kind. It’s where writers – chefs, cooks, scholars and researchers – come together with readers over their shared love of books and writing. With food at the centre, of course.

Food & Words appeals to people who:

  • Love writing in all its forms
  • Are excited by new ideas
  • Relish history
  • Buy cookbooks even when there is no more room on the bookshelf
  • Always end up in the kitchen at parties
  • Prefer browsing in kitchenware shops to fashion shops
  • Are excited to meet their culinary heroes
  • Want to cook better. Or write their own food book

In short, it's for aspiring food writers, hungry readers and anyone with an enquiring mind, a sense of humour and a good appetite.

The festival is happening on the 19th September in Sydney.

For more information or to book tickets, head to the Food and Words website.

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