Freelance writing success: “I got published!”

Australian Writers' Centre freelance writing success

When we hear that our students have been published, it absolutely makes our day. And it seems like we've had plenty of reasons to smile lately. So many of our graduates are achieving great things in the world of freelance writing. We like to celebrate by popping champagne, dancing on a table and writing a blog post in their honour.

Australian Writers' Centre freelance writer Bettina Deda  Australian Writers' Centre freelance writer Jennifer Johnstonaustralianwriterscentre.libbyhakim


Bettina Deda had an article published in Australian Home Ideas magazine and it also made the front cover. This has now been her third house feature in the publication to date!

Jennifer Johnston‘s tour of Vietnam paid off with a feature article in online publication Traveller: “5 insider tips on Ho Chi Minh City“.

Libby Hakim‘s story “Big careers in tiny spaces” was recently published in the Sydney Morning Herald as well as The Age.

Linda Moon scored a massive five-page spread for her travel feature on Switzerland in Australian Natural Health magazine.

Mandy McKeesick was excited to have a story published for the second time in National Geographic magazine.

Nicky Way featured online in Essential Kids with her article “How to know if your child is ready for school“.

Wow, what a talented bunch. Congratulations all!


If you have a success story to share with us, you can do so right here. We’ll share it with the world!

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