Furphy short story competition opens 1 February 2020

Furphy might be better known in Australia as a beer. 

However, the company is hosting a competition for short stories with a prize of $15,000!

According to the Furphy Story website:

Everyone can write at least one good story. That was the belief of J. F. Archibald, the editor and founder of the famous 19th century weekly, The Bulletin, who invited his readers to become contributors. It was this encouragement that led Joseph Furphy, working in his brother’s foundry at Shepparton, to write his ‘offensively Australian novel, Such is Life, using the pseudonym of Tom Collins’. The book, full of stories derived from Joseph’s experience in the Riverina and told in a voice uniquely his own, is now acknowledged to be a classic of Australian literature.

In the spirit of Archibald and honouring the author of Such is Life, the Furphy Literary Award has been established to promote and extend the tradition of storytelling, both factual and fictional, that is so much part of Australian life.

The word limit for the competition is 5,000 words and the theme is ‘Australian Life’.

The competition opens 1 February 2020 and closes 30 April 2020.

To find out more, head to the Furphy Story website

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