Grief & denial could win you dollars

Announcing two new writing competitions – each with one word themes. Both offer plenty of scope – and plenty of prizes.

First up is the ‘Grieve' writing competition – returning for its second year and presented by Hunter Writers Centre in conjunction with the National Association of Loss & Grief. Created to honour Grief Awareness month, it asks writers to interpret grief or grieving in a piece up to 500 words long (poems up to 36 lines). There is a $1000 prize for the winner, and entries close Friday 4 July 2014.

Meanwhile, Odyssey House Victoria presents its 4th Annual Short Story Competition. It's open to writers of all ages and experience, with submissions (of up to 1500 words) this year to follow the theme of “Denial“. (Each submission must make a reference to alcohol and/or drugs.) The first prize is also $1,000. Entries close 31 October.

Good luck! And we certainly hope you won't feel grief or denial when they announce the winners.

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