COMP CLOSED: Win Hester & Harriet by Hilary Spiers!

This week’s giveaway is the book Hester & Harriet – the story of two widowed sisters who move into a cottage together in a pretty (but boring) English village. Yet one Christmas, all that appears to change – and a chance encounter turns their lives upside down. As the book’s blurb suggests, “Sometimes you have to open your door to the unexpected.”

The book is by British playwright and author Hilary Spiers. And seeing as we appear to have stumbled unwittingly upon a Hester-Harriet-Hilary H party, this week to win a copy, we’d like to know your favourite H word, and why. The entry we like the most will win the book!



This competition has now closed – thanks for your entries! Winners will be announced in our weekly newsletter.


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