How Jo Jukes created a successful side-hustle as a travel writer

Courses taken at AWC:
Travel Writing
Copywriting Essentials
SEO Copywriting
Short Story Essentials
Write Your Novel

Jo Jukes had always wanted to be a writer, but had no idea where to start before the Australian Writers’ Centre’s courses gave her the guidance she needed to become a successful freelance travel writer.

Despite not having a writing background before taking the course, Jo now writes regularly for Audrey Daybook and has written for Fitness First Magazine, Wanderlust magazine, The Sunday Times Travel magazine, and In the Moment magazine, to name a few. 

A dream re-discovered
Though she had always loved writing, Jo didn’t pursue it as a career, and found herself wanting to reignite that passion after some life changes. 

Coming from a corporate background, Jo says she never dreamed she’d be able to make money from writing, but she was eager to see if she could successfully write about travel around her day job. 

“I don’t have a degree in creative writing or journalism, so I always assumed it wasn’t an option for me,” she says. “I wouldn't be working as a writer without taking courses at AWC.”

Support for your side-hustle
Jo completed the Travel Writing course and then joined the Freelance Writing Masterclass program. Taking the courses helped her through the process of freelancing step by step, with lessons on pitching, writing and submitting stories. Now, she’s doing this on a regular basis, and has at least one to two stories on the go each month.

“The courses have had a massive impact on my life and writing,” Jo says. “I'm currently generating an income from writing and I don't believe I could have done this without taking the courses at AWC. 

“This has given me the opportunity to fulfil my dream of seeing my stories in print, earn some extra money and join a supportive writing community.”

The Pitch Doctor Clinic in the Freelance Writing Masterclass Program has been a great help and is a good deadline to ensure she has at least one really strong pitch per month, Jo says. 

“I also love the Ask Me Anything sessions and the Facebook group which provides a great opportunity for any burning questions.

Now onto novels
Jo’s now working on her first novel, after completing the Write Your Novel program. The six-month program gave her the structure and time-tabling she wanted to complete her novel, and also helped her connect with other writers and an expert tutor.

“I wanted to get some feedback from others about my novel, as I hadn't had the confidence to show it to anyone else at that stage.”

It also helped her understand how to go beyond the good ideas she had in the past, and make real progress with fiction writing, she says.

“There's a lot of elements that weave into it to make the bigger picture, everything from having believable characters to a strong plot. All of them have to come together to make the novel come alive.

“If you want to get into writing and you're serious about getting published or just want to learn the proper craft of writing, then definitely take a course with AWC. Their courses span so many different areas of writing so there's something for every type of writer.”

If you’re eager to make freelance travel writing your side-hustle too, check out our Travel Writing course: it will give you all the tools you need to turn that dream into reality. 

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