How to print out your highlighted passages from your Kindle

So you've devoured your fave books on Kindle and highlighted a bunch of passages that resonate with you. But how can you get those passages out of your Kindle and into a workable document (like Word or Evernote)?

Whether you want to print them out, use them in an article you're writing (which you'll attribute correctly of course!) or something else entirely, here's how you can do it:

  1. Highlight your chosen passages on your Kindle or Kindle App.
  2. Once you're done, go to: on your desktop computer (you may need to log in to access this). Your highlights are stored here.
  3. Copy the relevant highlights you want and paste them into Word or Evernote (if they paste with wonky formatting, you may need to strip the formatting in an app like Text Editor for Mac or Notepad on PC).

That's it! You now have your highlights in a format you can use easily.

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